Thursday, December 31, 2009

i kill time this way too...

If i go with assumption that i will lead a really healthy life,my imagination takes me only my 80th b'day.
i cant think further than that. the sole reality of being old and weak frightens me.
how will i be able to handle that.

i just counted, in my vista calculator ofcourse, 80 minus 26 leaves 54 years,multiplied by 365,would give 19710.
20K days of my life !!

20K !!

what a big number.what if i live each and every day !! like thay say, live life with all energy and charm
and enthusiasm. its hard for me to spend a day with all these things.

and counting backwards, 26 multiply by 365 gives me 9490 !! i have not even complete 10K days of my life !!
and still there are thousands of individuals younger than me who have lived their life more than me.

friends usually see me talking about past much of the time.things that i used to hate,things that i dislike.
all such kinda stuff.if i dont stop from this very line,i will start talking again about those things.

better i stop reminding myself those 9.5K days,but many days out of this bunch were beautiful.really beautiful.